Community Solar Petition for MatSu Valley
Community Energy Legislation (SB 152)
The SAVE Act (SB 152), “Saving Alaskans Money with Voluntary Community Energy,” is a bipartisan Community Energy/Solar bill that is expected to pass the legislature this year. This will open up the opportunity for all Alaskans to participate in and benefit from more affordable energy and rely less on fossil fuel generation.
SB 152 will allow for Alaskan citizens to subscribe to a shared solar “farm” or an array of solar panels that is not located on their property, and receive credits on their electricity bills. This will provide more equitable access to solar energy for renters, small business owners, and low-to-middle-income households who may not be able to afford solar panels of their own or may not be homeowners. Subscribers are expected to save 10-20% off their electric bills.
If you would like to participate in a Community Solar project in your community or want to find out more, please read and sign this petition letter from the Susitna River Coalition to the Matanuska Electric Association (MEA) Board to let them know you support them building a Community Solar project and provide an affordable subscription plan to MEA members-owners.
Click here to Sign the Letter!
Resources on Community Solar:
ADN Article, 8/14/24 Community Solar bill (SB 152) Passes
Coalition for Community Solar Access, 5/16/24 The SAVE Act Awaits Governor Dunleavy's Signature