Speak up for MatSu Wetlands!
Tue, Jan 19
Submit comments, or testify in person or by phone in support of continuing work on the Borough Wetlands Ordinance and the Veto proposed by Mayor Halter.

Time & Location
Jan 19, 2021, 6:00 PM
About the event
Submit comments, or testify in person or by phone in support of continuing work on the Borough Wetlands Ordinance and the Veto proposed by Mayor Halter.
Public Testimony on this issue will occur under "Audience Participation" (VII, C) and members will each have 3 minutes to speak. (We will post here when they are close to this section). (Comments can not be made through the online platforms and must be made in person or by calling in only).
See the agenda and meeting details: https://matanuska.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx
Background: At the Assembly meeting in December, the Assembly approved (by a narrow margin) a Resolution to stop work on the Borough Wetlands Ordinance against strong public support for both the public process and the ordinance itself. The way in which this was proposed allowed for no opportunity for the public to address the Ordinance specifically.
As we've heard directly from the Mayor, a wetlands ordinance is a step forward and should not be feared. "No one can deny the rapid upward trajectory of the Borough's population. No one can deny the rapid and major decline for returns of all species of salmon to Mat Su rivers and streams over the last ten years. No one can deny the need to encourage development and business opportunities for the Borough. The right mixture of development that benefits all sectors of our economy is key to our future. Protecting one of the most important Borough assets - wetland is a key factor in development. ..... To argue wetland mitigation will stymie business or development is an ago old false premise...."
Learn more about Borough wetlands: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/.../ea7c88c5a82d43efaba346ec...
Ways you can participate in the Assembly meeting: IN PERSON: · Should you wish to attend in person, please adhere to a 6-foot distance between yourself and others. · As of November 4, 2020, masks are currently required to be worn over your nose and mouth while you are indoors in any Borough facility, unless you have a medical or mental health condition making wearing a face covering contrary to your health and safety. IN WRITING: You can submit written comments to leg.com@matsugov.us TELEPHONIC TESTIMONY: · Dial 1-855-225-2326; You will hear “Joining conference” when you are admitted to the meeting. · You will be automatically muted and able to listen to the meeting. · When the Mayor announces audience participation or a public hearing you would like to speak to, press *3; you will hear “Your hand has been raised.” · When it is your turn to testify you will hear “Your line has been unmuted.” · State your name for the record, spell your last name, and provide your testimony. Those who wish to observe the meeting may do so in one of the following ways: · Live stream audio at Radiofreepalmer.org; or · Live stream video at Matanuska.Legistar.Com/Calendar.