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DOT West Susitna Scoping----Scoping Comment Period Take Action NOW!


A scoping comment period in preparation for an Environmental Assessment for the DOT portion of the West Susitna Industrial Corridor is open NOW through August 23rd, 2024. This comment period represents a crucial window to voice concerns regarding the Department of Transportation's poorly planned, fiscally irresponsible portion of the West Susitna Industrial Corridor.

This project, deceptively segmented into smaller parts so as to obscure cumulative impacts, threatens to inexorably alter this roadless expanse of the Susitna drainage forever. 

Use Your Voice to Take Action

There is a long list of issues with the DOT proposed portion of the West Susitna Industrial Corridor and their flawed public process. We encourage you to comment on the project and attend the planned DOT scoping meetings to tell DOT what you think about their poorly planned project.

Project Background

In July of 2023, DOT took over the first portion of the West Susitna Industrial Corridor and bridge across the Susitna River as part of the DOT STIP plan from 2024-2027. This rebrand of the project segments the project into smaller pieces in an attempt to obscure the massive impacts of the entire project: a 100+ mile industrial corridor through a currently roadless swath of the Susitna drainage. 

During the DOT draft STIP comment period in late summer of 2023, an overwhelming majority of individuals commenting were opposed to the construction of the industrial corridor by DOT. The state ignored its constituents desires to fund other crucial infrastructure projects and continued to move forward with the next step necessary to build the proposed West Susitna Industrial Corridor.

In early July of 2024, DOT announced the opening of a scoping comment period in preparation for an Environmental Assessment prior to the unreasonably fast-tracked projected construction start timeline of 2025.

To learn more about the project, see the Susitna River Coalition website.

To learn more about the DOT STIP debacle see Dermot Cole's article.

To learn more about the DOT's Portion of this boondoggle, see DOT's page.

What is the DOT Portion of West Susitna?

The West Susitna Industrial Corridor was broken into two connected portions when the Alaska Department of Transportation proposed to take on the first section in the DOT draft STIP plan in 2023. Despite AIDEA and DOT purporting that these are two separate projects, this is the first portion of the much larger industrial corridor in an attempt to garner public approval.

Initially, DOT proposed to take on 18 miles and a massive bridge across the Susitna for a price tag of $82.5 million. This is what Alaskans commented on during the DOT draft STIP comment period in 2023. The vast majority of comments on West Susitna in the DOT draft STIP were adamantly opposed.

The project has changed from what Alaskans initially commented on.

The project proposed in the 2024 Scoping Comment period is now 23 miles long with a bridge crossing the Susitna River at Su Station. The industrial corridor would no longer begin on Ayrshire road, but would begin in Big Lake on the "West Susitna Parkway."

Below is the map provided by DOT for the project. This map is clearly inadequate for public commenting purposes and an adequate public process.

STEP 1: Comment Period Extension

The Scoping Comment Period in preparation for an Environmental Assesment began on July 23rd and will close on August 23rd. This comment period is taking place of over the busy summer season when many stakeholders are preparing for hunting season, preparing for winter, and working hard. In addition, the information on the DOT website is hard to navigate, is poorly organized, and available information is not only insufficient, but has changed daily.

The Susitna River Coalition encourages you to act first with an appeal for an extended comment period. To do this, email your extension request to:

You can use language like: “I formally request an extension of the public comment period for the West Susitna Access Project from 30 to 90 days. It is necessary to extend the comment period to adequately allow Alaskans to participate in the public process.”

STEP 2: Advocate for the "No Action Alternative"

In recent days, the DOT finally included a No Action alternative on their website. This was not included int he initial documents posted. The Susitna River Coalition advocates for the No Action alternative.

This road and a bridge to nowhere across the Susitna are not necessary for the future of Alaska and are an irresponsible use of resources. This money could be put to better use, and it has been demonstrated again and again that Alaskans do not want the West Susitna Industrial Corridor in any iteration. This project does not need to, and should not, move forward.

STEP 3: Tell the DOT Your Concerns

Alaskans in the Mat-Su have unique concerns about the region. Everyday, Borough residents are working, recreating, and utilizing this region. We encourage you to peruse the map and paperwork and create your own substantive comments regarding the project.

The Susitna River Coalition's broadest concerns with the project include:

  • A full Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), more rigorous than the proposed Environmental Assessment, should be conducted. An EA is not adequate to evaluate the impacts that a road of this magnitude would cause. If a project of this size is to move forward, it should be done to the highest standard. Alaskans do things better than anyone else, and the State should really do it's due diligence to make sure that we hold ourselves to that high standard. Currently, the DOT project is pushing for a significantly pared down Environmental Assessment as opposed to a more rigorous Environmental Impact Statement. 

  • What are the hidden long term costs to our communities? Who will be burdened with the high cost of maintenance, search and rescue, fire, law enforcement, etc. These are all questions that should be addressed and answered prior to moving forward. 

  • Additionally, the overall price tag of the project is confusing. The price tag- $450 million in 2017 cost estimates for the entirety of the route. The DOT portion of just over 20 miles with massive bridges is estimated to cost $82 million, but has since been oddly reduced to $76 million. So many of our existing roads in the region are in need of repair and improved services. The money could be better spent improving our current infrastructure.

  • DOT's preferred route for the road corridor crosses through the Susitna Flats State Game Refuge. Under no circumstances should the road corridor pass through the drainage.

For more information and other talking points that you might consider,

Ways to Comment:

1. Email: Email your written comment to:

2. Online Form: Fill out the online form here.

3. Physical Mail: Download and send form to:

West Susitna Access Road Project 

c/o HDR 

582 E 36th Ave, Ste 500 

Anchorage, AK 99503

If you would like assistance with drafting your comment, we are happy to help! Please email for assistance.

Don't have time to write your own comment? Not a Problem!

Fill out Susitna River Coalition's Form Letter Here.

Step 4: Spread the Word!

Know someone who would be affected by the road project, an egregious waste of state funds, or loves the Alaskan lifestyle? Forward this newsletter on or send along our form letter! Every voice matters.

Step 5: Attend the DOT Public Meetings

The Alaska Department of Transportation is holding two public meetings as part of the scoping process for West Susitna Access.

August 14, 2024 

Loussac Library, Atrium B 

3600 Denali Street, Anchorage, AK 99503 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024 

3:30 – 6:30 p.m. 

August 15, 2024 

Wasilla Public Library, Large Multi-Purpose 

500 N Crusey Street, Wasilla, AK 99564 

Thursday, August 15, 2024 

3:30 – 6:30 p.m. 

For those that cannot make the in-person meetings, there will be a virtual “Open House” from August 14 – 23, 2024 and can be accessed on the project website.

Talkeetna Trail Days: Clean Up Day

Save the Date: August 24, 2024

Save the date: Our annual clean up day, in partnership with the National Park Service, will take place on August 24th. Stay tuned for more information!

Wild Su Feast

Save the Date: October 13th, 2024

We are so excited to announce our annual Wild Su Feast date. While more information will be headed your way soon...

For now, save the date: Sunday, October 13th, 2024. We can't wait to see you there!

Want some inspiration before the event?

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