Winter Speaker Series, MEA Elections, West Su Update
April Winter Speaker Series: Our Last Speaker Event of the Season The Importance of Wetlands: Mitigation, Banking, and Thoughtful Development
If you have been following the Susitna River Coalition this past year, you might have seen information about a Borough-Wide Supplemental Wetlands Mitigation Plan. But why should wetlands be protected and why is wetland mitigation important? For our last winter speaker series of 2021, we are excited to welcome Resource Management Specialist Ray Nix to speak about the importance of wetlands, wetlands mitigation, and wetland mitigation banks. Wetlands make up a significant portion of land in Alaska and the Susitna River Watershed. In fact, land in Matanuska Susitna Borough alone is ¼ wetlands. These wetlands are often considered to be useful only for development. Quite the contrary, our Alaska wetlands are valuable resources which serve ecologically important roles for our fish and wildlife. Because these wetlands are critically habitat, steps must be taken to ensure wetland areas are taken care of during infrastructure development and considered during agricultural and forestry practices. Ray recommends checking out the Mat Su Wetlands Management Plan
The current draft of the Supplemental Wetlands Mitigation Ordinance
Our Facebook Event has more Information and watch the Event if you missed it on the SRC YouTube Channel.
Vote by April 26, 2021::: MEA Board Elections: Matanuska & Eagle River Seats
The Susitna River Coalition knows the importance of electing MEA board members who support expanding collaboration along the railbelt, speaking out against wasteful projects such as the Susitna-Watana Dam, and increasing engagement from member-owners like you!
MEA plays a large role in the Railbelt Reliability Council (RRC) which is an effort between electric associations from Fairbanks to Homer to share power and innovation ideas. Energy innovation is great but projects such as the Susitna-Watana Dam have shown us that we need responsible board members advocating for responsible renewables on the MEA board and the RRC.
On March 30, The SRC and AKPIRG held a Round Table with the Matanuska Board Seat Candidates, Brandi Burchett and SRC endorsed candidate Mark Masteller.
In case you missed the event, the Matanuska Round Table has been uploaded to the SRC YouTube Channel.
Yesterday, April 6th, the SRC and AKPIRG held a Round Table with Eagle River District Board Seat Candidates. See the Facebook Event Page for more information, and check out the YouTube Channel to watch the event in its entirety.
All Votes Must Be Cast & Ballots Received (Not Postmarked) By :
April 26, 2021 @ 5PM
West Susitna Access Road: A Quick Update
Despite complications in funding through the Governor's Bill and distaste from Mayor Vern Halter at a Borough Assembly Meeting in March, the West Su Access Road is approaching the presentation of Phase III of pre-development in the coming months. To keep you up-to-date on comment periods, public information, and outreach efforts, the Susitna River Coalition has created a public Facebook page devoted to West Su Access Road information. Give us a follow, share with your friends, and keep your eyes peeled for calls for your viewpoints and commentary!